PolyEtherEtherKetone (PEEK)

Maintains wear resistance and mechanical strength up to 260℃ continuous use. PEEK is the performance material of choice for aggressive environments such as high temperatures, wet processes, and heavy loads. It combines exceptional wear, chemical and moisture resistance with very high strength, dimensional stability and stiffness. PEEK can be continuously exposed to hot water or steam with no distortion, corrosion or galling.


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Unreinforced PEEK is a general purpose material noted for its high elongation and toughness. Glass fiber-reinforced PEEK offers increased strength, stiffness and stability at high temperatures, while carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK gives designers the benefit of excellent compression strength and stiffness and reduced expansion rates. PEEK is easily machined to precise tolerances.


Natural (beige), black


Superior wear resistance and dimensional stability to 260℃ continuous use
Excellent resistance to chemicals, steam and hydrolysis
Very low moisture absorption
Very high thermal stability (V-O UL 94 rating)
Superb flexural and torsional strength
Abrasion resistant
Good dielectric properties
Good resistance to radiation


Sliding and wear parts
Food contact parts
Valve seats
Pump wear parts
Structural parts
Appliance parts
Bushings, bearings, seals and rings
Plug connectors
Wafer carriers


Chemical technology
Mechanical engineering
Energy industry
Food technology
Oil and gas industry
Aircraft and aerospace technology
Automotive industry
Semiconductor technology
Vacuum technology

Material Data Sheet

PEEK (polyetheretherketone) is a high-performance engineering plastic with outstanding resistance to harsh chemicals, and excellent mechanical strength and dimensional stability.


ItemTest Standard or InstrumentUnitPEEK-NPEEK-GF30PEEK-CF30PEEK-HPV
Physical Properties
ColorNatural or BlackNatural or BlackBlackBlack
DensityISO 1183-1g/cm31.3±0.011.5±0.011.4±0.011.43±0.01
Water Abs. (25℃.24Hrs)ISO 62%
Mould shrinking percentage3mm,170℃, Flow direction%
Perpendicular to flow direction%
Thermal Properties
Melting pointISO 11357343343343343
Distortion temperatureISO 75-1/-2163315315293
Continuous using temperatureUL 74685260260260260
Glass transition temperatureISO 11357143
Machanical Properties
Tensile strength(23℃)ISO527-2/1B/50Mpa100155220134
Tensile elongation(23℃)ISO527-2/1B/50%3421.82.2
Bending strength(23℃)ISO 178Mpa163212298186
Compressive strength(23℃)ISO 604Mpa118215240150
Lzod impact strength( no gap)ISO 180/UKJm-2No crack514632
Rockwell hardnessISO 2039-299103107102
Friction coefficientμ0.30-0.380.38-0.460.280.18
Electrical Properties
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243-1KV/mm1819
Dielectric constantIEC 602503.23.3
 Surface resistivityIEC 90093Ω1015Ω1015Ω3×106Ω5×106Ω
Miscellaneous Data
Flammable levelUL 94V-0@mm1.
NOTE: *The data stated above are typical values intended for reference and comparison purposes only. *The data should not be used as a basis for design specifications or quality control. *The information is provided as a guide to the best of our knowledge and given without obligation or liability. *Testing under individual application circumstances is recommended.
* PEEK-N, Natural (Unfilled) PEEK
* PEEK-GF30, 30% Glass Filled PEEK
* PEEK-CF30, 30% Carbon Filled PEEK
* PEEK-HPV,  10% Carbon + 10% Graphite + 10% PTFE filled PEEK

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